Engineering Design Intro
Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! In my first post I wanted to introduce myself, my work and the type of content you should expect to see while following my account. My name is Klaudiusz and I’m an engineering student. With our current COVID situation our practical education endeavors as well as human communication have been drastically cut short. Therefore I feel like this is the best place to share information and get feedback with the engineering community as a means of substituting our physical contact loss. As you could’ve already guessed from me mentioning the ‘e’ word too many times, the point of interest of this blog will be my projects circulating around good engineering practice, ideas and design.
To start us off I’ll be presenting my first challenge which is the ELEGOO Tumbller Self-Balancing Robot Car. This is a robot with only two wheels however with the help of some magic in the form of an Arduino Uno it can balance by itself. I must assemble my Arduino kit and provide a full functional demonstration of it in action. In parallel with this, I should create a detailed CAD model of the robot.
My first course of action is to make a CAD model of the robot using Solidworks, however with some current factors affecting the movement of people and products around the world my robot has not arrived yet. Therefore finding exact measurements of my model has been proving more difficult to get. Nonetheless I shall be starting my CAD model which I will document in my next blog post and I will update any changes needed whenever my robot finally arrives.
I hope that you will join me in future posts while I make progress on this project but in the mean time here is a video of the robot to get you excited!